
Taming The Beast

Wonder why you get so crazy sometimes? Overwhelmed, pissed off, hyped up, shut down, out of control? Emotionally reactive, self doubting, insecure, over-eating-drinking-spending-whatever? Guess what. It’s not your fault. But it IS your responsibility. We come into this lifetime with a consciousness that’s been programmed through countless experiences in a multitude of prior lives. That […]

The AID for ERRS

Are there things you do in excess? Have you tried to “quit” but haven’t managed to yet? Such as: overeating, over-drinking, overworking, over-doing. I see this a lot in my counseling practice, and I have some ways to help with this pattern of imbalance. One of the awareness tools I use is “The AID for […]


One of the reasons we have such a strong yearning to search for life purpose is that deep inside we KNOW that there is an ultimate destiny for us, and that if we could find it we would be forever filled with joy. This destiny is closer than we realize. The problem is we keep […]


Do you have the experience of time flying, of having less time to do what there is to do? Have you felt a sense of unexplained anxiety or sadness recently? Are you experiencing unusual physical aches and pains, or heart palpitations? You’re not alone. I was talking to a colleague recently, discussing how different this […]

Forward or Backward

Abraham Maslov once said, “One can choose to go backward toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” We are connected with a Higher Power that is itself moving forward, constantly growing and evolving. Because of that, our souls are moved forward as […]

A Path to Non-violence

Every time I look at the news, I see so much violence. On our streets, in our homes, across the globe. War, murder, rioting, and more. We live in very chaotic times, unfortunately. But if you ask around, most would agree that we all want the same thing: peace, brotherhood, love. Why, then, are we […]


There is a difference between emotional needs and spiritual (soul) needs. Sometimes they are aligned with each other, but more often than not, they are in conflict. Emotional needs are things like: comfort, security, peace, connection, approval, accomplishment Soul needs are things like: growth, self-expression, making a difference for others We are human beings, so […]

The Beauty of Discomfort

  I had to heed my own advice this week! Why was I surprised? Comfort-seeking is part of our animal nature. It’s a good thing because it keeps us motivated and moving forward. It becomes a not-good thing when we come to expect it, when we have the need to feel comfortable all the time. […]

Distractions, Resistance

I came across a great quote recently. “When you are interested in something you do what’s convenient, when you are committed to something, you do whatever it takes”. What a great reminder! How many times do we think we’re committed to find that really we are only just interested? And what is there to do […]

Noticing vs Monitoring

I used to think that noticing was enough. I was a proponent of “your power is in your ability to notice.” But now, as I have grown, my truth has changed. I have come to believe that a next step (or steps) must be taken. Noticing is just seeing. Observation. Choiceless awareness. This is good. […]

The Gift of Life

I just read this quote. Had to post it. “In view of the fact that a potential of beautiful energy has been given to each person, it is difficult to conceive how contrarily people have dealt with this great gift.” –M. Morya Life, our beautiful energy, is such a gift! I think sometimes we forget […]

Fear of Sorrow

Another fear that stops us in our tracks is FEAR OF SORROW. Sorrow is a spiritual term used for the emptiness that comes after a big experience, after a disappointment, or when it’s time for change. It is a very rich and spiritual space, but most people are afraid of it, so they fill it […]

Fear of Failure

One big, obvious, fear that stops people from moving forward, growing, and living life fully is Fear of Failure. Why are we so afraid of failing? What’s the big deal? I think there are a number of aspects to this issue, but it seems that underneath it all is a core of shame. “What will […]


Being Bazooka-Proof is about as free as one human being can get: total and complete freedom, confidence, solidity of character, full self-realization, individuation, and an inner peace that can’t be shaken. This state of being comes from the Higher Self, that part of us that knows who we are, our purpose and our place in […]

Fear vs Freedom

Sometimes life is really complicated, in this case it’s really simple. When it all boils down, you have two choices in life: fear or freedom. Fear comes from a couple of places: 1) our animal, instinctual nature and 2) our inner distortions aka the false self. Freedom comes from knowing who we really are, including […]
