
The Beauty of Discomfort


I had to heed my own advice this week! Why was I surprised?

Comfort-seeking is part of our animal nature. It’s a good thing because it keeps us motivated and moving forward. It becomes a not-good thing when we come to expect it, when we have the need to feel comfortable all the time. Many people, especially in the US, have developed an unconscious sense of entitlement when it comes to comfort.

Mine showed up recently. …. This has been a year of unexpected and unplanned challenges. I moved to a new home and we’re renovating. My business is changing and evolving. I have had health issues to deal with (I’m fine, just annoyed). Lots going on, and much emotional discomfort from time to time. When my teacher/mentor said to me last week, in response to a comment I made about a current situation, “Maybe you’re not supposed to be comfortable right now,” a light bulb went off in my head. Oh, yeah, THAT! (How quickly we forget.)

Armed with this awareness, I started thinking, “if I’m not supposed to feel comfortable now, what is the benefit of that?” Developing the soul nature.

  1. Life goes in cycles. We have periods of winter, spring, summer, and fall. Change can be uncomfortable, and each phase has its comfort and discomfort.
  2. Sometimes we are given a lot to handle as part of a strengthening process, like adding more weight at the gym.
  3. Birth contractions hurt, whether physical or spiritual.


Discomfort guides us to grow in ways comfort cannot – to help us birth new awareness and strength. Acceptance, surrender, perseverance, and endurance are important concepts to embrace during these times. They help us develop qualities such as flexibility, determination, discipline, courage, creativity, and leadership. Yes, we must be leaders in our own lives in order to emerge successfully.

A helpful quote: “You must bear your karma cheerfully, whatever it may be, taking it as an honor that suffering comes to you, because it shows that the Lords of Karma think you are worth helping.” (J Krishnamurti)