“Thank you for sharing such a beautiful journey and tools with me. I really enjoyed your class, and most important I am so grateful for the natural connection it helped me achieve with my Divine Self. I used to work hard at trying to get to this level in the past and since taking SPF I feel that I just naturally progressed, without resistance, to the place where it is meant to be. I feel truly blessed and am embracing my new freedom and heightened sense of awareness. It is giving me such joy. Thank you for your wonderful gift and passion. You are a talented and beautiful soul. I will definitely recommend this class to others.”
– DR, massage therapist
“I’ve known for a long time that something wasn’t “quite right” with me. I’ve read a lot of books and have done some soul-searching but I never could really identify what was going on. You really helped me clarify the problems and gave me the tools I need to find solutions. Each week created at least one “light bulb moment”, whether it was something that came to light in my own search for more peace and serenity, or something I learned from a classmate. You provided a safe, open, and honest environment, where we were all free to express our doubts and concerns, and comfortably question to understand what we were learning. I left each class with a sense of purpose and the realization that there are answers and I can implement solutions that will give me peace within myself. I’ve also gotten an arsenal of tools that help me in my work life in dealing with others as well as my personal life. I still have much to learn but what a blessing to have found the key to the solutions for me.”
– BC, Marketing Manager
“This class has supported my 12-Step program by helping me cultivate a conscious contact with God that is deeper than ever before. I am experiencing a stronger recovery in all areas of my life, and I feel amazed by the huge benefits I have gained from using the tools of the class, especially the guided meditations. I have reached a whole new level – I am consciously slowing down the machinations of my life and am taking much better care of myself with greater ease. I am connecting with an inner wisdom that I now see has always been there. I definitely have more serenity, power, and freedom.”
– DP, Restaurant Manager
“For more than 5 years, I had been feeling stuck in a frenetic career I no longer enjoyed, demanding relationships I had outgrown, and ongoing health issues brought on by stress that were wreaking havoc on my life. Serenity, Power and Freedom helped me see that, instead of being true to myself, I was reacting to and being influenced by others. With Patty’s instruction, techniques and tools, I learned to quiet the critical voice inside me that masked my authentic self and instead receive grace and tap into the powerful force of my own potential. The renewal of spirit and sense of inner peace has been truly powerful and life changing. Not only have I reconnected with my true passions, but I have also begun to feel more balanced and inspired in my life’s journey. As a result, I’ve been attracting new people and career opportunities into my life that are more aligned with who I am. Patty’s SPF class is a must for anyone who wishes to connect spiritually and harness the power of their own gifts to live a more free and peaceful life.”
– LT, Marketing Executive
“My therapist recommended SPF as a way of helping me with my anxiety. I not only really enjoyed the class, but I feel surprised by how much better I feel. My anxiety is so much lower that I have significantly reduced my need to self-medicate. I feel more confident, and I am doing better at getting my needs met and taking good care of myself. I have also learned how to stay centered and I have a better sense of direction. I don’t get knocked off balance by things that happen in my life like I did before because I have a stronger inner compass. This is helping me a build my leadership skills at work because I am not as upset by other’s behaviors and judgments, and I handle change better. I got so much out of SPF that I’m taking the follow-up class.”
– JM, Corporate Trainer
“I realized that what is in my head and how I’m doing in life are two different things. I’m still a bit chaotic in my thinking, a little obsessive and wanting to act out, but I find that I’m not acting on that like I did before. This is new for me. Now I can have a dialogue with myself about why I feel so uncomfortable and that helps me find more inner peace and take actions that are aligned with that new strength. I am now more observant of my inner crazies, which allows my higher self to be more in control.”
– AG, Events Manager
“I am more at peace. I have a lot of adversity going on in my life right now, but I am sailing through it like I’ve never done before. I am accepting of the current situation and I have patience and faith to move through it. When I do have moments of impatience, I am able to settle myself back down pretty quickly. Yes, there are things that I am still working on, but I feel as though I have changed a great deal during this class. I am doing things now that I would never have done before, all good things. I’m used to doing bad stuff – because I didn’t have the self confidence, strength, serenity or power. Now I’m doing the good things for myself – freely, easily, and enjoying it.”
– KL, Healthcare Consultant
“I have gone through most of my life with a knot in my stomach , a crushing fear of losing everything, being homeless, and being alone. That’s gone. The thought of having no money and being alone and homeless no longer scares me. Now it feels like the opposite. I can see that my attachments were causing my anxiety, and I have a new-found freedom now that they aren’t running the show. Your class gave me a new reference point for living a powerful life and easy ways to get there much more quickly than I normally do. I have a sense of inner strength that I’ve never experienced before.”
– CG, Business Owner
“This class gave me what I’ve been hungry for. I had been looking for ways to get more peace, tranquility, clarity and gratitude for a long time. I wanted to live a more spiritual life but I didn’t know how. It felt as though I was driving at night down the wrong road with my headlights off. The SPF class helped me shine a bright light on a whole new path that has given me tools for living more powerfully. I have more control over negativity, I have more choice around my feelings and actions, and I have a much better handle on my life. I feel alive for the first time in a long time, and while I still have work to do, I know I’m firmly on the right path now, and it has been easier than I ever expected.”
– BT, lawyer
“As a therapist who took this course for her own personal growth, I saw the potential benefits for my clients from the outset. The spiritual content and framework set forth by Patty compliments therapeutic work and could create shifts for clients who are stuck in victim-thinking, stuck in general, or provide clarity on meaning/purpose in life. In addition, I have found that my work with clients deepened and has been enriched by the experience.”
– Melissa Beddingfield, LPC
“I took the class at the suggestion of my therapist. I was going through a divorce and feeling scared and unsettled. During the program, I found a strength inside me that I didn’t know I had. I was able to stand up to my difficult ex-husband in ways I had never been able to before. I set boundaries and took care of myself from a place of power, and I feel good about a future I had once been afraid of.”
– EL, student
“The SPF class had a profound, personal, and positive effect on my life. It gave me clarity and purpose, and a wonderful new perspective that has brought a lot of peace and understanding to my hectic world. Words can’t express the enlightenment, support, and guidance I received. I’m so glad I found it.”
– NH, executive for non-profit
“For me, this was an amazing class. It helped me to become more aware of my emotional reactions and gave me the ability to respond differently. My life is less chaotic now, and I continue to get better at releasing negative thoughts instead of holding onto them and reacting to them. I am making better, more thought-out, and more comforting decisions for myself. The meditations were helpful and calming, and the class was very thorough, detailed and interactive. I strongly feel that everyone should experience this!”
– JM, Realtor
“I took this class because I wanted more serenity in my life. I was looking for tools to help me reduce my worrying and anxiety, and I got way more than I expected. The class provided a wealth of information on new ways to view myself and my life, and Patty framed it all in a way that really clicked for me. I am now able to connect with my soul’s intuition and feel as though I’m really thriving instead of just living day to day. I was concerned about the spirituality aspect of the class, but found that this was the most helpful part of my experience – I have gained a spiritual connection that has grounded me and made me even more confident that I was before. It has given me a freedom that I never expected. Patty’s SPF class took me on quantum leaps!”
– KF, Researcher
“The class gave me a new perspective, new ways to look at myself, spirituality, and life that have helped me to be a stronger person. I feel more confident and free to be myself.”
– AB, Human Resources Professional
“The course helped to slowly thaw out parts of myself that I had kept in the deep freeze for years. With gentleness and humor, Patty helped me reconnect with a sense of hope and joy about my spiritual journey. The insights I gained in this course will be with me for years.”
– CC, Graphic Designer
“I took the SPF class not really knowing what to expect, but thinking “who couldn’t use more Serenity, Power and Freedom in their life?!” Now that I’m on the other side of the class, I’m so deeply glad that I stumbled into it. What I took from the series was a better knowing of my thoughts and patterns, and how to distinguish what is empowering for me and my life, and what is non-working noise. Of all the bible classes, sermons and study groups I have been a part of over the years, these “lessons” while challenging me, resonated more than my other classes combined. Thank you Patty!”
– DM, Professional Mom
“It was refreshing and helpful to learn how life can get so out of alignment with God’s will for me. The simple way in which Patty was able to demonstrate how this misalignment so easily happens was groundbreaking for me. I saw how my personal will takes over when I have doubts about my past, present and future, and I saw how empowering my spiritual being to be in charge allows me to be clearer about God’s will for me. This is a much simpler and applicable concept now. I have been more clear, confident and courageous since taking the class. Thank you, Patty, for making things so easy to understand.”
– KW, Business Owner
“This class was a spiritual journey like I had never experienced before. I already had a concept of God that was aligned with my Protestant upbringing. Thanks to Patty, I came to experience a much deeper meaning of spirituality and how truly connected I am with my Higher Power, myself and those around me. It did not take away the God of my religion, it expanded my relationship with Him, with myself and with humanity in a wonderful way. From a 12-Step perspective, it helped me to recognize my Higher Power in ways that have helped me curb the compulsive behaviors that have been detouring me from true sobriety.”
– AP, SVP Banking Industry

Patty Binns Farinola
The Awareness Studio
2751 Buford Hwy, Suite 700, Brookhaven, GA 30324
[email protected]
Office Hours: Tuesday through Saturday